Monday, March 10, 2008


we known for a long time of the writings of our ancestors that neither I[moctezuma], neither any of the ones that mored in this land, is natural of her, only of the foreigners that came from piezao ver distant, and we know besides that an overlord, of whom were all the vassales brought to our people to this region. And he returned to his native land and after many years came again, moment in which all the ones that had remained were married with the native women and they had built to villages and to children srvants. And when he disired to conduct them far away that would not go again neither even that they would not admit him asd his leader, and so he left. And we have maintaned provided that the ones that they descended of him they would come to conquer this land and take ourselves as their vassals. So due to the place of which you demand to come, to know, of where the sun raises himself, and the things that you says us of the great Mister or king that sent him here, we creates and is sure that he is our Mister natural, especially therefore you say that he has known about us by a certain hour. It be assured so that we will obey him and we will maintain him as our Mister instead of that great sovereign whose do you speak; and in this there will not be offense or treason any. I know full well of all that has happened of puntunchan to here, and also I know the about of tascalteca they go him said a lot badly of me; creates what you see they are their for those are only my enemies, and some were my vassals and rebeled against me in their to come and said those things to win favor with you also I know that they have said him that be the walls of my houses, fact he...

It is unknown who Moztezuma wrote this letter to, at first it was in Spanish. We got the translation from Aztec Team 2.

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