Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Name of victim: Aztec (

Age at time of death: 1469 age 13 years old

Country of origin: Central Mexico (wikipeda)

Approx size of population: 20,000,000 (wikipedia)

Signifigant Geographical Features: crabs fish and turtles., near water

Languages Spoken: Spoke spanish

Description Of Government:

Describe all Sources Used:, Pitures, other blogs,,, All About

Who Created Sources: Yolotl Huascar

Dates Of Testimony: 1428

State signifigance of each winess along with specific details of testimony: 1) Aztec 2) Tlacopan 3) Aztcapotzalco

Cause of Death: HOMOCIDE

Explain the cause of death: It is believed that the death of this civilization was homocide, because of the Spaniards when they visited Aztecs.

Description of the Economic System:

Description of religious beliefs: Spanish Culture

List and describe all evidence used: A rag that is dirty, bullets, footprints of a horse

Explain the signifigance of each piece of evidence: two different bullets (which probably means two different guns) of the people that killed him. RAG means couldve been cleaning.

List and describe possible suspects: Spaniards

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